Policy Analysis
- Decentring Fiscal Deficit Target Numbers
- Bank Recapitalization
- Wither Middle Class
- On Central Bank Independence
- Bank Bail-In and Bail-out
- India’s Unemployment Problem and the Budget
- Fiscal Stimulus to Revive the Economy
- India Growth Slowdown
- Modern Money and Fiscal Deficits
- Ornithology of Macroeconomic Policy
- Demonetization and the Contractions in Money Supply
- Reissue of Demonetized Notes to Overcome Currency Shortage
- A Response to Ranade’s Criticism of Modern Money Theory
- Can cryptocurrencies unseat modern money
- CBDCs have their uses but can they replace cryptocurrencies
- Central Bank Digital Currencies have a role to play in commercial banking, and how!
- MMT and G-SAP
- Is a paradigm shift in macroeconomics imminent
- Shadow Banking in India
- The ideological origins of some numbers in economics
- The Evergrande crisis illustrates real
- Will China’s Digital Currency End Dollar Dominance
- US faces a fiscal cliff
- The Need for consumption-led growth strategy
- The defunct economics that drives US monetary policy
- Why is the US financial system so fragile?
- Is there a solution to the recurrent bank crisis?
- Remembering B.R. Ambedkar as a monetary economist
- Will Europe recede into macroeconomic instability with its proposed new fiscal rule?
- U.S. debt ceiling crisis: a self-inflicted wound
- A better alternative to the Congress’s poll promises
- The essence of modern money
- The other side of fiscal deficits
- The importance of profits, not just sales
- MMT and helicopter money
- The Fed’s new monetary policy strategy
- The GST shortfall quandary
- The essence of modern banking
- Bihar elections, macroeconomics and unemployment
- When connected lending led to bank failures
- All debt is not the same
- Global low interest rates? Here are some macroeconomic perspectives
- Do we need to change India’s flexible inflation targeting framework?
- The Genesis of the Rupee as Modern Money
- Deconstructing Raghuram Rajan’s “How Much Debt Is Too Much?”
- Deconstructing Raghuram Rajan’s reported speech, July 2020
- Andy Mukherjee’s Quantitative Easing Proposal: A Critique
- The Man Behind Understanding Crises
- Funding NYAY
- El Salvador’s experiment with Bitcoin as legal tender
- Maximising Finance for Development
- Competing ideas on the economy of competition
- The war against COVID is on
- The US dollar will remain the only global currency
- Will Sri Lanka’s President be able to turn around its economy?
- Why is the Fed inducing a recession?
- Does monetary policy really work?
- Evoking India’s twin deficits: a flawed guide to policy
- Can privatisation crowd out net real investment?
- What Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) has to say about freebies
- How Japan leveraged commercial banks for high economic growth
- The challenges in using monetary policy as a countercyclical strategy
- Will cryptocurrencies replace gold as an asset?
- The pros and cons of RBI’s massive build-up of forex reserves
- Who will be the new Chairperson of the US Fed?
- Lessons for India from the Turkish Lira crisis
- The government must adopt expansionary fiscal measures in Budget
- Budget 2022: Is there really a need for fiscal consolidation?
- Budget 2022 — Focusing on economic growth
- Digital Rupee | Will people still deposit money in commercial banks?
- Digital Rupee | Will commercial banks still be needed for credit creation?
- Why Russia should fear appreciation of the ruble against the dollar
- Policy challenges to the unfolding crisis in India’s external sector
- CBDCs: The fate of commercial banking rests with the State
- Why countries want to de-dollarize the international economy?
- How monetary policy triumphed over fiscal policy in the UK crisis
- Is the Japanese miracle coming to an end?
- Is UK’s return to austerity warranted?
- Budget 2023: Sustaining private investment should be a priority
- Budget 2023: A return to the Washington Consensus
- The root cause of Pakistan’s crisis: Macroeconomics or geopolitics?
- Redefining asset classes using default risk is a robust approach
- 90-hour work week
- Neoliberalism is dead long live neoliberalism
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