The Foundation to Aid Industrial Recovery (FAIR), a not-for-profit society registered in 1978, has been actively involved in carrying out research related to management and economic development as well as through its engagement with organizations serving the social sector. As part of its ongoing activities, FAIR-MAPS, with the explicit objective of exploring the root causes of the two major macroeconomic issues that challenge countries across the world; unemployment and inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth. These two concerns are not only reshaping the development narrative but also the policies and programmes of governments and social sector organizations but even the overriding objectives of the financial and other private sector enterprises.

MAPS is headed by Sashi Sivramkrishna who completed in his Masters in Economics from the University of Bombay (now Mumbai) and Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University. Drawing upon his research into the history and economics of money, MAPS will carry out in-depth country studies from a Post Keynesian perspective to understand the root cause of these challenges facing economists and policy makers. These analyses should enable economists to develop pertinent and effective tools of macroeconomic management rather than constraining themselves to obscure policies based upon unreal economic models.